PayGo Reports
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What are PayGo Fees?
Historically, retirement systems were responsible for the payment of retirees’ pensions. However, in 2017, the retirement systems lacked sufficient liquid assets to pay the pensions. As a result, on August 23, 2017, Act 106 was approved, through which pensions are paid with funds from the Commonwealth’s General Fund (for Central Government retirees), and municipal, public corporations and public agencies (for retirees who are not from the Central Government).
Currently, the Government of Puerto Rico is the entity that sends pension payments to pensioners, an expense that public corporations, municipalities, and public agencies must reimburse to the Government. This reimbursement for the payment of pensions is known as the PayGo Fee.
One of the conditions for the Government of Puerto Rico having future access to funds from the Pension Reserve Fund (Pension Reserve) is that it covers at least 75% of the PayGo Fees of public corporations, agencies, and municipalities. The goal is for the Government of Puerto Rico to have an incentive to be effective in collecting PayGo Fees from employers.
Among the obligations of the Pension Benefits Council are monitoring the collection of PayGo Fees and authorizing disbursements of funds from Pension Reserve once all established requirements have been met. Benefits Council are monitoring the collection of PayGo Fees and authorizing disbursements of funds from Pension Reserve once all established requirements have been met.
In this section, you’ll find a link to the Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority (AAFAF) website where, as a financial agent of the Government of Puerto Rico, it publishes reports concerning PayGo Fees.
AAFAF Reports
If you’d like to read the monthly PayGo Reports, access the AAFAF website where, as a financial agent of the Government of Puerto Rico, it publishes certain reports.
Have questions?
Share your questions regarding THE PENSION RESERVE with the Transitional Council, so that we can help you in any way possible.